Final project presentation

Final project presentation

Helena Ramírez

Final project description:

This project was inspired by the California Rose Garden. When I thought of this project I specifically kept in mind the face that kids but when they enter the school so this project is to make kids/adults feel free, happy, sensible, motivated, and encouraged with a simple planter. This planter is made out of recycled wall "wood" and paper. The inside of the planter has an  original design because instead of having only soil we have plastic bottles that people don't want , volcanic rocks to substitute all of the extra soil so that it's lighter and a hydroponic system to water the plants. The planter is also hung by 2 simple 3d printed hooks that are easy to replace in case it breaks. On the face of the planter that faces the sidewalk we have a small motivational phrase to hopefully make people feel a bit more motivated/encouraged. 

-Helena Ramirez Bustos